Salvation by Love

The mark of God is Love. Believers are rescued from eternal death by love without measure.

God has defined love through the sacrifice of His Son. Believers return that love through following every word He speaks. Jesus calls this eating His body and drinking His blood. Don't freak out; it's not what you think.

All about rules and regulations? Believers love God by following all of His living oracles. There are those who say that we are "all about rules and regulations" because we love God's Law. Hard hearts look at the Law as rules and regulations. Those of us who love Him think that everything He says is love.

The Best discipleship method ever, straight from God: Step by step instructions are given to us from our God of love to build faith, renew our minds and train us in righteousness. With the Law we learn the difference between love and hate, clean and unclean, God esteem and self esteem.

Jesus is the end of the Law. He has always been the end of the Law. If we follow the Law (all of His Words) in its completeness (or "fulfill") we get to Jesus. Every time.

Eat His body and drink His blood!

  • Jesus in John 6:53-58 tells believers about the best food in town. He's the source of our daily bread.
  • Works in concert with the heart of the New Covenant.
  • Helps us draw near to God and touch Him on a daily basis.
  • Facilitates the fruit of the Spirit.
  • Puts on Christ (Romans 13:8-14).
  • Restores the integrity of the Word.
  • Helps prayer, understanding and teaches children.

More Body and Blood Here

Some of Our Videos

Study with All Our Videos


A few of the remedies we offer for the confusion from men's philosophies and the elemental spirits of the world. Mouse over the pictures for links to articles (the Plus Magnifier symbol) and/or some of our videos (the chain link symbol). Click the buttons at the top to arrange by subject.


The Church

Who Put the Church in Charge?

The church does not get to say that a believer cannot follow God's Word!


Passover or Pesach

Christian Faith and Practice charged up with God's Passover.

Merit vs Grace


The key to lawlessness, or the key to right living?

Only the Moral

Objection: Only the Moral Counts

Non-biblical divisions of ceremonial, civil and moral are pasted over the Law. Then we cherry pick obedience.

The Nicolaitans

The Nicolaitans

Balaam and Jezebel's techniques of sexual immorality are still current in the church. WBC book section or video.

Trumpets 2016

Trumpets or Yom Teruah

A feast for making noise. The day of the awakening blast. Is our God cool or what?


Colossians 2

Paul nails the meaning of Colossians 2. It wasn't the Law nailed to the cross, it was our transgressions.

Paul says no Law?

Paul Says We Can Blow Off the Law

According to the church, Paul converted to Christianity and told us we can ignore the Law. But what does the Bible say?

The Heart of the New Covenant

Rejecting the New Covenant

The Church says they follow the New Covenant. But do they?

burning fire

Atonement or Yom Kippur

Don't wait for the fulfillment of this day without accepting the payment Jesus made for you.


Romans 14

Paul gives his opinion of people's opinions.


Objection: It's Legalism

If following a law is trying to earn salvation, then everyone who obeys the speed limit is saved!

The Church Leaves

The Church is Born 325 A.D.

The Church is not the same as the Body of Christ, parting from the Word long ago. More in book link and video link.


Tabernacles or Sukkot

God's Camping trip. Our family pitches tents in the back yard, or puts air mattresses in the living room.


Stepmother, Passover, Circumcision

A whole Bible look at Paul's teachings from the Law on stepmother marriage, Passover and Circumcision.


Objection: Not Under the Law

If we are under grace, where is the Law? We'll give you three guesses, and the first two don't count.

Ecclesia does not equal church

Ecclesia ≠ Church

The Church thinks it replaced Israel. But there's no Church in the Bible. This puzzle is answered in the Body of Christ.


Sabbath or Shabbat

Given to believers starting way back in the Garden. And why reject a day off?

Head coverings and Bible Study

Head Coverings and Bible Study

This is an application of a Bible study method using Paul's supposed teaching on head coverings.

No Punish, No Pay

Objection: No Punishment, No Pay

Why obey the Law if we don't get punished, or we don't get paid? It's called Love, stupid.

New definition of cult

A New Definition of Cult

With respect to Dr. Walter Martin, our definition of "cult" is lip-synchers of the Word of God.

Themes in the Biblical Feasts

Themes in the Biblical Feasts

An outline for the feasts focusing on themes from the Bible related to each one and their impacts on life.


A Whole Bible Look at Romans

There are four videos, starting with chapters 1 thru 4. Romans is referred to 90 times in Whole Bible Christianity.

I got mine so who cares about the Law

Objection: I Got Mine So Who Cares?

We've been told the Law is "not a salvation issue" which translates to "I got mine and that's all that matters."

Whole Bible Christianity!

Standard church teachings just not doing it for you?

Looking for truth, and it's scarce in the church? God's got the answer.

In the late '90's standard church wasn't doing it for us either. We managed to disentangle ourselves from the philosophies of men that cluttered up His Word and discovered that the whole Bible (including the Law with its life-giving discipleship methods) was for all believers. We couldn't find any help framing our discoveries in a whole Bible way, so we wrote some books to help others looking for biblical truth.

Our first book Whole Bible Christianity lays out the basics in paperback, Kindle and Audiobook formats.

Audiobook Free with Trial

Click the button for a free audiobook trial and help us earn bonus dollars! If you sign up for a free trial membership in Audible and stay with it 61 days (which means one month at $14.95 also) we get a bonus. You get two free books!

Christian Torah Greeting

Whole Bible Christianity: Blessings Pressed Down and Overflowing


Starting with the Garden and using about 1,500 references from every book in the Bible, we show the continuity and unity of God's message addressed to His one body through all time periods. There is an absence of the Church in Scripture, which means churches have zero authority to appoint themselves gatekeepers to the Kingdom. Modern Nicolaitans are identified whom ignore the New Covenant, resulting in only one in ten Christians believing the Bible as absolute truth and ultimately church and culture rot. We share the solution recommended by Jesus that Bruce calls the Believer's Diet. The author's controversial views on the Law and the New Covenant have brought many to a fresh understanding of the Bible and renewed relationship with Jesus apart from the church, "re-imagined" or otherwise. "Thanks so much for helping me along in my spiritual growth and of the understanding of God's way" said Maria from Canada. Dr. Walter C. Kaiser, Jr. former president, currently professor at Gordon-Conwell Seminary says, "I commend it for all who want to have an enjoyable time thinking through what the Word of God has to say on a multitude of everyday topics."

More Information

Nicolaitan: Lords of Hypocrisy


About 30 years after the ascension of Jesus, Paul warns the Ephesian elders in Acts 20:29–30 ESV: “I know that after my departure fierce wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock; and from among your own selves will arise men speaking twisted things, to draw away the disciples after them.” About 30 years after this Jesus warned the Ephesians about Nicolaitans and said He "hates their works." Are the Nicolaitans, and the wolves speaking twisted things in Paul's warning, the same? Did the Ephesians manage to get rid of the Nicolaitans, or have they spread throughout the church and are still present today under different names? Does it matter today?

Hypocrites are variously defined in the Word as "men of falsehood," "dissemblers" and "vain persons" (Psalm 26:4 ESV and AV), "godless" (Job 36:13, Proverbs 11:9 and others, ESV), "evil doer" (Isaiah 9:17 ESV and AV), and "profane mockers" in Psalm 35:16 ESV. Not a great group in which to be included. Jesus had a lot to say about hypocrites recorded for us in various places, and He applied Isaiah 29:13 in Mark 7:6 ESV to them. "This people honors me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me; in vain do they worship me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men." We can see that there is not much difference between the doctrines of all false teachers; just a difference in looks. Different wool clothing, if you will.

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Whole Bible Prophecy: Horror and Hope

Health from the Word

This book is not for everyone. There are no ear-tickling newspaper headlines. It doesn't support The Church. It doesn't reassure people that they can keep doing whatever is right in their own eyes, ignoring God's Law, and they won't have to suffer. Whole Bible Prophecy is for real believers: those who genuinely and with a whole heart want to actually do what God instructs. It is for strengthening faith and helping believers build their houses on The Rock of God's Word. Mere churchgoers and those who desperately cling to the philosophies of men which have created the structure of a Church not in the Bible, do yourselves a favor and do not buy Whole Bible Prophecy. You'll only enrage yourself as your house of cards is blown away, your wool suits rot and fall off, and your nakedness is exposed. Whole Bible prophecy melds, blends, and weaves all of the words God has given us into a complete picture of what He wants from everyone, what happens when we don't give it to Him, and what will happen if we continue to reject Him.

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Proclaiming the Word!

The Word of God Ministries


All over the world, quite apart from any one man's or one ministry's efforts, people are waking up to whole Bible principles. The Holy Spirit is moving, revealing the truth to any who are willing to listen.

Our part of the team is participating by whatever means we can, such as this website. You can be part of the team or household of God too. All you have to do is read the Word (all of it, front to back, repeatedly) and do it. That's it. No formula. No "sinners prayer" to memorize. Just find out what God says and do it.

If the Spirit is moving you, this website will direct you to many sources such as our book and our videos to help. Or use the contact form below.

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